Best tips to try before you contact us!

    The recommended web browsers are Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. We have found that many apparent problems with tools in PlantGenIE can result from previous results that have been cached. If you run into problems at the site first try reloading/refreshing the web page, try using an incognito browser in Google Chrome or private window in Mozilla Firefox.Before reporting a bug/problem we would request that you first clear your browser cache, quit the browser, again clear the web browser cache when you re-open the browser and then finally check that the problems remains.

    How can I find PopGenIE old versions?

    How can I convert Populus trichocarpa version 1 gene ids into version 2 gene ids?
    Please go to http://v2.popgenie.org/flashbulktools (depreciated due to End of Life of Adobe Flash Player) and choose the ID conversion option. Then select the Populus Genome from dropd down menu. Finally paste your old gene ids and click GO button.

    How can I convert Populus trichocarpa version 2 gene ids into version 3 gene ids?
    Please go to Gene Search tool and paste your old gene ids.

    Are regulatory regions available for the predicted genes?
    Here you can find the detailed answer for this question.

    Can not access FTP server?
    If Google Chrome is your default web browser, please try the following steps before you directly access FTP site.

    1.) Go to PlantGenIE FTP ftp://anonymous@plantgenie.org/
    2.) Open the link with associated application (e.g. Finder on Mac or Windows Explorer on Windows)
    3.) Connect as a guest user and Click Connect button


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