
    (WebApollo)[http://apollo.berkeleybop.org/] allows users to visualize and edit gene model annotations.

    Basic Usage
    WebApollo enables a community based annotation effort, where users can edit and update the current annotations. Finally all new submissions will display inside a dedicated tab within the gene information page. First you need to register for a user account with an institute email address. Then you need to login to the WebApollo or click “Help to improve this gene page” located at the button of each gene/transcript page. We recommend that you follow the Web Apollo User Guide for editing and submitting annotations. Once we have approved the new submission, it will display inside the Community Annotation tab in  the gene or transcript page.

    WebApollo uses both in house assembly data and data from Phytozome and Plaza.

    WebApollo uses Java, JSP, JavaScript, Perl, MySQL and Tomcat. We Apollo also uses JBrowse to visualize and manipulate genome annotations.


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